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Kairos Slimming & Skin-Tightening Clinic


to Kairos Slimming & Skin-Tightening Clinic

We will help you to transform yourself to be the best you … you can be. With comfortable treatments, Professional therapists and an at home enviroment.

The breakthrough you have been waiting for...

  • Treatments can be performed within an hour

  • Most patients describe the process as a warm massage

  • Affordable treatments

  • Results can be seen within 4 to 6 treatments

  • FDA approved

  • Exilis in 40 countries worldwide

Redefine your Face & Body with this Non-Invasive, Fat-Melting, Skin-Tightening innovation.

"Ek kan regtig Kairos Slimming & Skin Tightening Clinic aanbeveel vir wonderlike behandelings wat goeie resultate lewer. Die somer is hier en ons almal wil met selfvertroue daai baaikostuum aantrek. Word gerus deel van die Kairos familie waar terapeute bereid is om 'n pad met jou te stap, maak nie saak hoe klein of hoe groot jy fisies is nie… jy verdien om op jou beste te lyk!"

Our Location

Visit us for a FREE consultation

1287 De Villabois Mareuil Drive
Moreleta Park
Tel: 071 121 9951
Email: nerine@kairosbeauty.co.za